Breakaway Brake Installation
Breakaway brakes are an leading safety characteristic on trailers. They are designed to mark the trailer in the detail that the hitching mechanism fails and the trailer becomes indifferent from the tow vehicle while in transport.
The breakaway battery mounted on the trailer can bag a accepted 12V automotive battery or it can be hooked to a charger that Testament charge the battery using the tow vehicle's faculty whenever they are connected. Whether using an automotive battery, it must be charged regularly to ensure reliability. Provided the tow vehicle and the trailer are disconnected, the separation of the trailer and tow vehicle Testament pull the cable, triggering the switch and engaging the trailer's brakes.Considerations
The trailer's breakaway action is the last-resort process of ensuring the guarded stopping of the trailer. The edge connecting the trailer to the tow vehicle should be longer than the trailer's safety chains so that the chains can engage before the breakaway brake. It is safer to conclusion the vehicle and trailer with the chains than it is to rely on the breakaway switch. Provided the breakaway switch has been pulled, this mode that the trailer and tow vehicle bear been completely separated and the Chauffeur Testament annex no determination over the trailer's method or stopping era.
Breakaway brakes consist of a breakaway switch and battery. The switch, when pulled, triggers the trailer's brakes to engage and break off the trailer. The battery supplies the faculty to the trailer's electric brakes when the tow vehicle has broken outside. The breakaway switch is located on the trailer and connected to the tow vehicle via a cable.