Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fresh paint Rocker Sections

Rocker panels encompass any environment along the backside of a vehicle.

Depiciton rocker panels can accomplish various matters. For one, rocker panels revenue most of the Diurnal abuse against your vehivle. From rocks chipping the colouring to oil and way contaminants coating the surface, rocker panels are easily damaged. Portray damaged rocker panels can cause your motorcar peep according to virgin again. Another comprehension to memorize tint rocker panels is that some vehicles come with coal or unpainted rocker panels. Delineation them can consign your vehicle a added sleek, uniform study.


1. Outline the rocker panels with masking tape. Appliance the 120 grit sand paper to sand the environment of the rocker panels that are to be painted. Sand with your handwriting on the back of the sandpaper, control the sanding mobility Apartment lodgings and smooth. Once the entire area is dull, wipe it with wax and grease remover and a microfiber towel.

2. Place masking paper along the edges of the masking tape so that the surrounding surface of the vehicle won't be painted. Make sure to tape the edges of the paper down so that paint or primer can't get under it.

3. Spray a thick coat of primer over the previously sanded area. Allow the primer to dry for 30 minutes.

4. Use the 200 grit sandpaper to sand the entired area.5. Paint a total of two or three coats of paint on the rocker panels, allowing 15 to 30 minutes between each coat for the paint to dry.6. Spray two or three coats of clear coat paint on the rocker panels, allowing 15 to 30 minutes for the paint to dry between each coat.

Smooth the primer but don't sand through it completely. Sanding through a few small areas is okay. Wipe the area again with wax and grease remover.

Remove all masking paper and tape before the paint dries.