Friday, September 5, 2014

Hide Crack Inside A Car windows

Stir the contents of the bowl until the salt is dissolved.2. Dip the rag in the solution and rub it into the crack.

1. Pour 1/4 Mug of dilute to the mixing bowl. Then add a 1/2 teaspoon each of salt, bug repellent and rubbing alcohol.

A cracked windscreen may generate glares that can adversely disturb your driving. Windscreen cracks not one shot adjust your vehicle glance defective, however they can spread and cutting edge to larger cracks and eventually exhaustive windscreen replacement. You can easily repair your cracked windscreen Homewards with a hardly any supplies.


Keep dipping the rag in the solution and rubbing it into the crack until all the solution is gone.

3. Allow the windshield to dry for several hours. The rubbing alcohol and bug spray chemically react together to soften the plastic cover originally manufactured over the glass windshield. The salt then acts as a filler in the rubbing alcohol and bug spray mix. Once it drys it looks like there was never a crack in the window.