If you do not hear the fuel pump running, there is probably a problem with the pump, relay, computer or the wiring to the fuel pump.2. Turn the key off and open the hood. Locate the fuel Schraeder valve on the fuel rail above the fuel injectors. The action supplies power to the electric fuel pump located in the fuel tank. The computer is involved so that in the event of an accident or if the engine stalls the fuel pump shuts down to prevent fire.
1. Open the fuel filler door and remove the gas cap. Have a helper cycle the key on and off in five-second intervals while you listen for the fuel pump to operate. It activates for two seconds at a time since the computer does not see the engine turning over.
The 1991 Kia electric fuel pump gets its energy from the leading fuse block under the hood. The pc controls the fuel pump relay that is and in the fuse relay centre under the hood. When the ignition main is turned to begin the engine, the personal computer recognizes the engine RPM and vital position, then activates the leading fuel pump relay.Press in on the Schraeder valve while the helper cycles the ignition key. If the fuel pump is working, a strong stream of fuel should exit the Schraeder. Just lift the screwdriver and close the Schraeder as soon as fuel is seen. If there is pressure in the fuel lines the problem is elsewhere. If there was no pressure proceed to the next step.
3. Inspect the fuel pump fuse located in the fuse relay box on the driver's side fenderwell. If the fuse is blown, replace it. Try to start the Kia. If the Kia still does not start, proceed to the next step.
4. Pull the fuel pump relay. Check for power at the terminals in the fuse block, using the voltmeter. There should be one terminal with power with the key off. If no power is apparent a problem exists between the battery and the relay. If power exists, have the helper turn the key on while the other terminals are checked. There should be power to a second terminal. If no power is apparent, a problem exists between the computer and the relay or with the computer itself. If power is present the fuel pump is defective.
5. Replace the fuel pump if the relay had power in Step 4. Test the computer and wiring between the computer and the fuel pump if the relay had no power in Step 4. The fuel pump is an easy replacement on a 1991 Kia in as much as the fuel tank does not need to be removed. There is a cover plate in the rear luggage compartment under the carpet. Just lift the carpet, remove the cover plate and the pump is obvious.