Thursday, September 4, 2014

Install An Aem Brute Pressure Intake On The Nissan Titan

There are many after-market options for Nissan Titans, the intake life a considerable one in which to invest. Not matchless Testament you bend aggrandized performance gone of your Motor lorry, on the other hand you can besides dispose more select Gauze milage and slow the wear and tear. In honorable a rare intelligible steps using some basic tools, you can install an AEM Brute Force intake on your Nissan Titan.


1. Remove the inventory intake by first off turning the rotate to cut access to the fender contour. Remove the bolts from the engine encompass with a socket wrench. Be careful not to tear the alignment advertise under the bolts. Gash them gratis, then avail your fingers to remove them.

2. Disconnect the mass airflow sensor from the wiring harness by releasing the clips. Install the new intake according to the manufacturer's instructions and button the truck back up the way you removed everything during disassembly.

Loosen the hose clamp at the throttle body. Remove the upper half of the intake system. Remove the stock panel air filter and the bolt from the bottom of the airbox. Remove the bolt from the top of the airbox and set it aside, as you will be reusing it.

4. Take out the lower airbox. Remove the gold bolt. Use a pair of needle nose pliers to unclip the fender and attach the rubber molding to the top of the heat shield. Then operate a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the two small screws and the mass airflow sensor. This is a delicate part and should be set aside in a safe place where it will not gather dust or debris or get lost.3. Unhook the breather hoses and the airbox lid.