Having your vehivle egged is an disagreeable combat. You might credit that your vehivle is damaged forever and you Testament require to receive a distinct distemper assignment. Happily, you can remove Ovum from the exterior of your automobile. Results Testament vary depending on how faraway the Ovum has been on the automobile and the gone temperature.
1. Prepare a solution of 1 gallon warm to hot water and 1/4 cup white vinegar. Pour into a spray bottle.4. Spray the solution onto the egged area. Do not be stingy with the spray. You want to soak the egg and allow the vinegar to neutralize the egg.5.
Pick them off by hand. Washing the car while egg shells remain, regardless of their size, can cause scratching to the car's surface.
3. Disinfected an egged motorcar as soon as possible. The longer you allow the eggs to sit on the paint, the better the chances of your paint job getting ruined.2. Remove all visible egg shells from the exterior of the car.
Allow the solution to set for at least 5 minutes. Spray once more.
6. Rub the egg off your car in gentle circular motions with a clean towel. The egg should be easily removed. If this is not the case respray the solution onto your car and repeat.