Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Switch The Blower Motor On The 1991 Social

The blower motor in your Civic works all the more agnate a den fan. When you activate the heater on the dashboard, the blower Engine begins turning its fan blades to roasting the interior of the automobile. With criterion handle, most vehicle owners never posses to alternate the blower Engine. But, severe utilize, such as continually operating the blower Engine on its highest setting, decreases its lifespan dramatically. You can install a fashionable blower Engine in your 1991 Civic fitting Homewards. The duty should revenue 40 minutes or less.


1. Hoist the hood on your '91 Civic and remove the contrary cable from the battery with a socket wrench. The abrogating cable should be all dusky and include a petite minus comment later to its terminal on the battery example.

2. Airy the passenger's door and then ajar the glove box. Remove all of the subject in the glove box and establish everything on the Chauffeur's seat. On the lower-right side of the glove box, you should observe a triangle-shaped group of plastic with five screws in it.

3. Remove all five of the screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Pop the triangular lot of plastic gone of district. Remove the unmarried screw securing the damper arm to the side of the glove box with your Phillips screwdriver. The damper controls Until when the glove box opens.

4. Kneel down and position yourself so that you can gape the backside of the glove box. Remove the bolts on the left and good side of the glove box with a socket wrench. As you remove the moment bolt, mastery the glove box in berth to prevent it from falling. Establish the glove box on the Chauffeur's seat along with its subject.

5. Establish the blower Engine on the due side of the glove box opening. It mounts at the backside of the ample, ebon square that you espy before you. The top of the blower Engine resembles a petty tea Mug. The metal plate that surrounds the blower Engine Testament carry three bolts screwed into it.

6. Tighten its securing screw until snug with your Phillips screwdriver. Place the triangular piece of trim back over the damper. Install and then tighten all five of its screws until snug with your Phillips screwdriver.

7. Raise the new blower motor into position beneath the dashboard. Insert the new blower motor back into the HVAC in the same orientation as the old motor. Support the new blower motor with one hand. Thread all three of the bolts back into the metal plate around the new blower motor by hand. Tighten all three of the bolts with your socket wrench a half-turn past hand tight. Plug the wiring harness that you removed from the old blower motor up to the new motor.

8. Place the glove box back into position against the dashboard for mounting. Support the glove box with one hand. Thread both of the bolts back in place on the bottom of the glove box with your free hand. Tighten both of the bolts with your socket wrench a quarter-turn past hand tight.

9. Attach the damper arm back to the side of the glove box. Unplug the wiring harness connected to the side of the blower motor. Remove two of the three bolts from the metal plate surrounding the blower motor with your socket wrench. Grab and hold the top of the blower motor with one hand to support it. Remove the final bolt with your socket wrench and lower the blower motor away from the HVAC. Return the contents to the glove box and shut it.

10. Connect the negative cable back to the battery. Tighten the cable's nut until secure with your socket wrench. Shut the hood on your 1991 Civic and test out the new blower motor's operation.