Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Switch The Oxygen Sensor On The 2003 Ford Expedition

The 2003 Ford Expedition uses two O2 sensors, one mounted in Everyone exhaust main ultimate the catalytic converters, to detector the immensity of O2 in the exhaust Gauze. O2 in the exhaust causes the sensors to correspondence an electrical term to the onboard pc, which constantly adjusts the fuel assortment for Correct performance and to discipline emissions. A appropriate socket is required to remove the sensors.


1. Grounds the Expedition on equable ground and establish the parking brake.

Place the oxygen sensor socket on the sensor by sliding the sensor's electrical lead into the slot in the socket, then placing the socket over the metal part of the sensor. Turn counterclockwise to remove the sensor.6. Install the new oxygen sensor by screwing it into the hole in the exhaust pipe.

Hint the exhaust pipes back from the engine toward the rear of the Expedition. There is a cylinder on Everyone side of the engine. They Testament clasp into one main as you moxie toward the rear. You will see the sensors sticking out of the exhaust pipes at the 2 o'clock position on the driver's side and the 10 o'clock on the passenger's side pipes just before the pipe bends into the "Y" where the two pipes become one.

4. Disconnect the oxygen sensor at the electrical connector to the wiring harness. The sensor has a 6-inch lead wire connected to it.

5.2. Lift the front of the Expedition and foothold it with jack stands on Everyone side of the frame.3.

Place the electrical lead in the slot and place the socket over the sensor and tighten. Connect the lead to the wiring harness.