The passenger compartment heater of your Volvo gets its heat from the radiator fluid running finished your vehivle's engine. This fluid, a brew of specially formulated coolant and bathe, circulates terminated channels shorten into your van's engine, absorbing the heat from the combustion. When you turn on the heater, you divert some of the Boiling fluid from the engine into the passenger compartment, where a fan blows on it to beget close air that is directed gone completed vents. Allow it to run for 10 minutes to bring it to operating temperature. Open the heater vents inside, and turn on the heater.8.
Grassland the Volvo on a commensurate environment that provides quota of interval to elbow grease. Shift the Volvo into "Lawns" and shut off the engine. Fix the emergency brake and ajar the hood.
2. Permit the engine at least 30 minutes to air-conditioned. Press the radiator cap, and turn it counterclockwise to remove it.
3. Place the empty plug, which is at the backside of the radiator and is on either the Chauffeur's or the passenger's side, depending on the pattern. Corner the withdraw pan underneath the extract plug.
4. Free the drain plug with the pliers. Grant the fluid to flow into the pan. Close the plug.
5. Loosen the hose clamps at both ends of the heater hose you want to replace by using a screwdriver or pliers. Slice the heater hose from end to end with the utility knife. Remove the heater hose. Use the knife to trim away any hose pieces sticking to the nipples.
6. Apply a few drops of gasket sealant onto the inside lip of both ends of the new hose. Slide the heater hose over the nipple on the engine block and tighten the clip. Slide the other end over the firewall nipple and tighten the clamp.
7. Pour one gallon of radiator fluid into the radiator. Add one gallon of distilled water. Start the engine. Replacing Volvo heater hoses isn't a tough faculty, however it does desire you to extract the radiator elementary.
1.While the engine is running, top off the radiator with distilled water. Open the radiator fluid reservoir and pour in water to the fill line marked on the side. Replace the radiator cap.