Monday, January 26, 2015

Design A Filletwelded Lap Patch

Arc welds are typical for fillet-welded circuit patches.

Set holes in tanks, boats and other metal structures by designing your own fillet-welded circuit patch -- a plenty of metal that lays on top of the metal it's duration welded to. Designing a round patch adoration this is a relatively evident project that requires diminutive measuring and arithmetic. Performing the actual weld Testament hope for erudition of using welding Accoutrement, which is even deeper involved than canny what proportions of parcel needs to be welded to build the patch.


1. Degree the extent of the hole that you need to patch, using your measuring stick. This will ensure that the fillet-weld will be strong.4. Position the piece of sheet metal over the hole that needs to be patched, so it is covering three-quarter-inch of metal on all four sides. Weld it down to finish the patch.

Clean this piece of metal with your wire wheel.

3. Clean the metal surrounding the hole you need to patch, with your wire wheel. Add 1 1/2 inches to the length and width of these measurements.2. Cut your sheet metal with your band saw to the measurements determined in the last step.

Clean the weld with your wire wheel, when you are finished.