Whether the radiator on your 2004 Nissan Altima starts to leak or gets buildup in the core, it has to be replaced. You can remove the radiator and select it a radiator shop To possess it cored provided it is clogged, on the contrary the value is normally brisk Sufficiently to purchasing a different one. Most radiators are untrue with an aluminium core and plastic tanks so you should custom extended-life antifreeze, exclusively by reason of the saturate pump is extremely aluminium.
1. Slide a withdraw pan under the radiator petcock. Remove the radiator cap. Loosen the petcock and confess the coolant to filter. Provided the coolant is Disinfected and less than five oldness experienced, it can be reused. Cause a screwdriver or belonging socket, depending on the type of clamp used, to remove the air duct.
2. Loosen the clamps on the upper and lower radiator hoses at the radiator then pull the hoses off the radiator. The transmission cooler lines Testament either be screwed into the radiator or to a seperate transmission cooler. If they are screwed into the radiator, remove them with a line wrench. Lift the assembly out of the vehicle, ensuring that you do not bang or scratch the air condenser in front of the radiator. Remove the fan from the radiator with the appropriate socket.4. Install the fan on the new radiator.
Plug the ends with rags to keep the transmission fluid from leaking.3. Unbolt the radiator and fan assembly from the body of the Altima with the appropriate socket.
Install the fan and radiator assembly and bolt it to the body with the appropriate socket. Screw the transmission cooler lines into the radiator if they were removed earlier. Reconnect the upper and lower radiator hoses and tighten the clamps. Reinstall the air duct and tighten the clamp.
5. Tighten the petcock and refill the radiator. Reinstall the radiator cap. Start the Altima and check for leaks.