Allow the top coat to dry completely.
No expensive manicure appointment necessary.
1. Dip the cotton swab in nail polish remover. Dab the swab around the nail to remove any polish that may have stained the skin.
2. Wet your finger or a small cotton pad with nail polish remover. Gently tap the tip of your finger or the pad against the nail where polish has bubbled or smudged, avoiding areas where the nail polish is intact.
3. Apply a fresh coat of nail polish to the nail, if necessary. Apply a quick-drying top coat to avoid further polish smudging or nicks.It's facile to set smudged or chipped Spike polish.Aught completes a case coextensive a pleasant manicure. On the other hand sometimes yet the most practised polisher has to deal with a petite smudge, nick or bubble, and most of us don't bear age to remove the polish and inauguration again. Provided you can't completely repolish your nails, there are a sporadic tricks to establish Spike polish mistakes and garner your nails looking great.