Thursday, October 22, 2015

Change Rear Drum Brakes On The Ford Taurus

Exchange Rear Drum Brakes on a Ford Taurus

One of the most relevant safety features on your van is the braking action. As era goes on and the miles add up, you add to the proportions of wear on your brakes. When the brakes wear down, this can vanguard to reduced performance or still intact failure. Therefrom, it's conspicuous to detain your brakes well-maintained, if it's as intelligible as replacing the brake shoes or a extended complicated repair, such as replacing the brake drums.



1. Assign the vehivle in field and up thrust the rear with a jack. Wedge a brick or sturdy abundance of wood in the front and back of the front tires to guidance prevent the vehivle from rolling while it's jacked up.

2. Handle the 12 mm open-end wrench and pliers to disconnect the parking brake cable at the adjuster.

3. Remove one of the tires from the vehivle.

4. Cut the drum off of the brake cylinder. You may occasion to end a inconsiderable sledgehammer to knock it off.

5. Study the brake cylinder for the consequent: leaks, torn boots and heat discolouration on the springs. Provided any of these occasion to be replaced, alternate them.

6. Employment brake cleaner to spray the meeting and practice a rag to rub it off.18. Slowly lower the car back onto the ground.19. Repeat this process for the brake on the other side.

8. Custom the pliers to pull the cable absent approximately a half-inch.

9. Take the rear brake shoe off the parking brake cable.

10. Remove the parking brake lever clip, then take the parking brake lever off the brake shoe.

11. Clean all the parts with brake cleaner, and replace the parts that need to be replaced due to wear.


12. Put the parking brake lever back on the brake shoe, then put the parking brake lever clip back on.

13. Reconnect the rear brake shoe and the parking brake cable.

14. Replace the rear brake shoe hold-down spring, brake shoe and retracting spring, front brake shoe-hold down spring, adjuster screw, the brake adjuster lever and the upper spring.

15. Put the new drum on the brake assembly.

16. Put the tire back on the car, making sure that you secure it properly.

17.Reconnect the parking brake cable.

Bring about not blow the dust off the brake meeting or touch it with your naked hands, as the dust might comprehend asbestos.7. Remove the upper spring, brake adjuster lever, adjuster screw, front brake shoe hold-down spring, brake shoe and retracting spring, and the rear brake shoe hold-down spring.