Replacing the engine in a Pontiac Grand Am is a elementary method compared to performing the equivalent procedure in many other vehicles. A novice can convert the electrically operated cooling fan in a Pontiac Grand Am using bantam expanded than a wrench and a Disinfected dry rag, and the works the chore in blameless an age.
1. Reconnect the negative battery cable. Run your vehicle up to normal operating temperature and check for proper engine cooling fan operation. Also, make certain the fan is circulating air in the proper direction.
3. Lift the entire engine cooling fan assembly out of the engine compartment and replace it with a new one. Replace the fan assembly mounting bolts and tighten them to 97 inch pounds (11 Nm) of torque.
4. Disconnect and isolate the counteractive battery cable from your Pontiac Grand Am with non-conductive data, such as a Disinfected dry rag or drudgery glove.2. Unplug the electrical connectors for the engine cooling fan, then loosen and remove the mounting bolts holding the engine cooling fan meeting in deposit. Scrutinize the insulator, located in the upper piece of the fan blade meeting, and replace it, if necessary.