It is important that all air is out of the cylinder. While still submerged, hold the cylinder upside down so that the opening is pointing to the bottom of the bucket.4. Place the end of the plastic tubing under the water and into the graduated cylinder.
This tome of Gauze per unit day is the volumetric flow.
1. A five gallon bucket can be used in this flow meter.
Fill the five-gallon bucket 3/4 full with water.
2. Connect one end of the plastic tubing to the tubing nozzle on the air tank. While holding the end of the plastic tubing, open the air tank valve allowing air to flow through the tubing. Slowly close the shut-off valve on the plastic tubing.
3. Place the graduated cylinder in the bucket of water and completely submerge it.
Gauze flow can be measured using universal items.A Gauze flow metre is a Slogan that measures the volumetric flow of Gauze. Industrial Gauze flow meters can come in many forms and technologies and can be expensive and bothersome to install. Provided an industrial Gauze metre is not available, an accurate Gauze flow metre can be fictional using H2O and a graduated cylinder. The opinion remain this Gauze metre is that provided there is a container unabridged of soak, as the Gauze is inserted into the container, it Testament displace a book of Gauze per unit allotment.The end of the tubing should be at the bottom of the graduated cylinder.
5. Open the shut-off valve and begin the stop watch. It is important to do these at the same time. Air will flow through the tubing and into the graduated cylinder. The air will push the water out of the cylinder at a rate equal to the gas flow rate.
6. Turn off the shut-off valve on the tubing and stop the stop watch at the same time. Without moving the graduated cylinder, observe the volume of water that was displaced by the air. Divide that value by the duration of time from the stopwatch and that is the volumetric flow rate of the gas. For instance, if the graduated cylinder indicated that 175 ml of water was displaced over a course of 10 seconds, then the flow rate is 17.5 ml per second.