Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Switch The Rotors On The 1999 Pontiac Grand Am

The Pontiac Grand Am brake rotor surface must be smooth and without any damage.

The CD brakes on the Pontiac Grand Am accomplish adoption of a hydraulic piston to squeeze the brake pads in sync with the rotor CD between them. This friction slows and stops the vehivle. This action puts the rotor under a bulky deal of heat and stress, and whether they arouse very feverish, they can warp. Additionally, rotors can sustain damage when you permit the brake pads to wear beyond the recommended thickness. When they wear beyond that location, the rivets holding the brake lining on the pad foundation to chop grooves into the rotor discs. These grooves are normally further abyssal To admit for machining the CD so virgin ones desideratum to be purchased.


1. Area a locate of turn chocks carry on the rear wheels of the Grand Am.

2. Uplift the Pontiac up with the automobile jack. Place a jack stand under the car near the jacking point and raise it to the frame. Remove the wheel using the lug wrench.

3. Remove the brake caliper using a socket and ratchet to loosen the bolts. Pull the rotor off the wheel assembly.5. Put the new rotor on the wheel assembly. Cut the wire tie from the brake caliper with the pliers and place it back on the wheel.

Secure the caliper to the strut using a wire tie. Never allow the caliper to hang or you will damage the brake line.4.

Tighten the caliper bolts with the socket and ratchet. Replace the wheel using the lug wrench.

6. Remove the jack stand from under the Grand Am and lower the car to the ground. Repeat the process on the other wheel.