Older vehicles can be exact pleasant to own and restore. The costs can add up quickly for latest parts in cast to restore your vehivle. One nature on cars that is as well expensive to acquire latest parts for is the interior. Most of these parts hold to be characteristic ordered or custom-made. Deficient leather seats exclusively can array wear and buying advanced seats or re-upholstering mature ones can expenditure hundreds of dollars and won't glance as excellent as the original style. Restoring leather seats can easily be done with the right products and procedures.
1. Spray the leather saddle cleaner onto the leather seat. Scrub the cleaner into the seat using a circular motion.
2. Dip a towel into the leather saddle conditioner.4. Allow the seat to dry for several hours before sitting in it.
Scrub the conditioner into the seat using a circular motion.3. Purchase a leather shoe polish that matches the color of your leather car seats. Apply the shoe polish to the cracks and discolorations on the leather seat.