Polish Alloy Wheels
The wheels are much the filthiest factor of your vehivle, so it helps To possess a no problem and inexpensive road to preserve the luminosity on alloy wheels Homewards in between costly detailing trips at the Car shop. Pick up some wet/dry sandpaper from a central improvement store and some spin polish compounds from an Car function shop, and you can arrange a skilled polishing calling on a sunny afternoon.
1. Wash the dirt and grime from the wheels with a Disinfected sponge soaked in fiery douse and machine wash soap.
2. Wet a group of 1500-grit wet/dry sandpaper and sand the surface of the wheels in a circular motion as if you were sanding wood. Sand any scratches until they are as smooth as remainder of the wheel. Keep the sandpaper wet throughout the process.
6. Polish your car's wheels with Mothers once a month to preserve their sheen.
Rub the wheel in a circular, buffing motion until the compound disappears, starting on a flat part of the wheel. Add more compound to the rag as needed. Wipe down the wheel with a clean rag once you have polished the entire wheel.
5. Apply a few drops of Mothers Wheel Polish to a clean rag and rub it onto the wheel until the polish disappears, as in Step 4. Apply more Mothers, as needed, as you polish the wheel.
3. Wet a piece of 2000-grit wet/dry sandpaper and sand the wheel in the same manner as in Step 2 to refine the scratched areas.4. Apply two large drops of polishing compound to a dampened cotton rag.