Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Replace An Underhood Relay Inside A Nissan Sentra

It's to the left of your engine coolant reservoir and behind the windshield washer fluid reservoir. Pull the relay associated to your malfunctioning high current electrical device.3.

1. Disconnect the battery as an unexpected electrical surge during repair could aggrieved you or agency costly damage to your Nissan Sentra.

2. Remove the cover from the relay box located at the front left of your engine compartment.

Vehivle designers direct altitudinous in fashion devices or systems, such as the starter or fuel method, with a smaller size of happening controlled wrapped up a series of relays or switches. Nissan placed many of the elevated current device relays in the 2006 Sentra under the hood for inconsiderable access, Emigration and replacement.


Check the box area for dirt, corrosion or damage. Clean, fix or repair any area as needed. In addition, make certain to check the upper and lower plastic housing (that contains the relay socket and protects the wiring beneath) for cracks, burnt areas or other damage and replace the housing or any wires, if necessary.

4. Plug in your new Nissan Sentra relay and recover the relay box with its cover.

5. Reconnect your battery and verify that the new relay works by testing the associated high current device.