Read the letter from the repossession company for the location of the repossessed vehicle. An address will be given where you can access the repossessed vehicle and regain your personal property within 30 days.3. Travel to the location of the repossessed car.
Repossessions can happen at any date of the hour and are never announced to the contemporary user of the vehicle. A repossession company is hired by the lender to repossess the machine. Repossession companies bring about not admit to award you the preference to remove your personal tool from the vehicle before they repossess it.
1. Test your mailbox for a dispatch from the repossession firm; it should clock in within 10 days of repossession. This packages Testament deed the business's target to dispose of your personal Belongings within 30 days. According to Georgia code section 11-9-504, a letter must be sent to the borrower which notifies them of their rights. One of these rights is the right to redeem your personal property.
Repossessed cars are Frequently brought to auction.Accessing repossessed cars in Georgia may be essential to regain your personal Belongings. Repossessions befall when a borrower defaults on a loan if by a lender.Bring a form of identification and the key you used to access the car before it was repossessed. Access the repossessed car and remove your personal belongings.