Whether you extremity to apply epoxy paint to metal, you must to distinguish the Correct preparation techniques to manipulate or you Testament feasible beam peeling in a short interval of hour.
Epoxy colouring can add a alluring long-lasting Stop to most any metal surface. On the contrary, in that metal doesn't appropriate dye too well, it must be specially conditioned to elevate good adhesion. If you need to apply epoxy paint to metal, you need to know the proper preparation techniques to employ or you will likely see peeling in a short period of time.
1. Scrub the metal surface with a water-based degreaser.3. Pour the etching primer into the 2-gallon painter's pot.4. Apply etching primer to the metal surface using the 3- to 4-inch paintbrush.
Wash the entire surface using a pressure washer. Allow the metal to dry completely before moving forward.2. Abrade the surface to elevate adhesion by scouring it with a wire brush.
Allow the etching primer to cure and dry for four hours.
5. Wash the brush with warm water.
6. Pour the epoxy resin into the 5-gallon bucket and stir in the catalyst using the wooden stir stick.
7. Apply the epoxy metal paint to the surface using the paintbrush. Allow the surface to dry for three hours.