Troubleshoot the fuel action in your 91 Dodge pickup.
In at the end temperatures, the fuel method of a 1991 Dodge pickup can keep business operating properly. You may enjoy to troubleshoot the fuel system in your '91 Dodge pickup on a exceptionally frigid or calescent period. This is a relatively easy venture, on the other hand it may thirst for a Journey to the Car parts store for some specialized tools. You should be able to Stop this venture within an date or two.
1. Bonanza elsewhere your limited weather conditions before beguiling any activity. Whether the temperature is lower than 30 degrees, you may longing to add an anti-icing product to your Gauze container. In weather of 80 degrees or higher, slap pouring frigid soak on the Gauze lines and fuel pump.
2. Add a little proportions of petrol to the fuel tank and turn the ignition again. Make sure your car is on a flat surface; if it is parked on an incline, the fuel injector may be taking in air rather than gasoline.
3.4. Remove the gas line using a gas line disconnect tool; these tools can also be found at nearly any auto parts store. Place the fuel line in a see-through storage box and restart the car's engine. If you do not see gas coming out of the line when the engine is running, you will need to get the gas pump tested.
Check the spark plugs using an ignition tester. You can find ignition testers at almost any auto parts store. Attach a spark plug to the ignition tester and turn the car on; a spark should be produced in the gap between the spark plug and tester. If you do not see a spark, every spark plug in the car will need to be replaced. If you cannot reach the gas line, take your car to a mechanic.
5. Remove your rubber gas hoses and carefully inspect them for weak spots or cracks. Any damaged gas hoses will need to be replaced.