Repair the fuel string before adding Gauze to your vehicle.
Fuel lines flourish leaks when detail of the contour rubs against anything metal under the vehicle. Typically the frame against is devolving on for most of the rubbing damage. Give the year model of your vehicle so you can get a fuel line that is already bent to match the old fuel line. You can also buy straight fuel line and use a tubing bender to match the new line with the old one. You will need new ferrals at each end of the new line.
1. Position drip pans under Everyone fuel edge connexion and under any leaking fuel. Wear safety glasses when forging a visual inspection of the damage. Depending on how low your vehicle sits, you may compulsion to utilize a hydraulic jack and jack stands to lift the vehicle elevated Sufficiently to receive underneath on a creeper.
2. Operate your sincere boundary box edge wrench, turning counter clockwise, to loosen the fuel contour connections. Grant any residual fuel to bleed onto the drip pan. Disconnect the fuel contour female becoming from the adult becoming on both of the ends of the fuel column.
3. Applicability your flat-tip screw Chauffeur to loosen any mounting clamps holding the fuel border in domicile. Remove the fuel border and perform a visual inspection of the entire fuel line. If you find rubbing damage, locate the source of the rubbing under the vehicle. Look for shiny spots where the fuel line was mounted.
4. Visually inspect the fuel line fittings. Look for stretched or damaged threads that need to be replaced before installing the new line. Install the new fittings at this time by using your open end box end wrench and turning counter clockwise to unscrew the female fitting. Install the new fittings with the same wrench, turning clockwise until the fitting is snug. Do not overtighten the fittings, as this will cause the threads to stretch and fail to make a good seal.
5. Purchase new fuel lines from a parts store. Fuel wrinkle Trimmings can and be a causation of a leaking fuel wrinkle provided they were cross threaded when they were installed. Fuel line leaks cannot be repaired and charge to be replaced with a different border. Cutting parts elsewhere of the damaged edge and replacing with Trimmings at the leak Testament end the lines to be as well short to mount properly.
Allow 1/16 of an inch to stick out from the ferral so that the fitting makes a good seal.6. Position the new line so that it conforms to the location of the mounting clamps and end fittings. Use your flat-tip screw driver to secure the clamps to the fuel line. Use your open end box end wrench to tighten both fuel line fittings. Do not overtighten the fittings, as this will prevent them from making a good seal.