The Commercial Intertech 350 is a hydraulic pump that moves liquid using gears. This liquid can motion for its own benefit (as in Stirring a liquid from one corner to another) or be harnessed in the arrangement of hydraulic capacity, which uses the movement of the liquid to deed something else, such as a lift.
Basic Specs
The P350 is mythical of solid hurl iron, which makes it durable.Conflagration resistant fluid.The 350 can avail on its own or be attached to another pump. This method is called piggybacking, and it increases the dynamism of both the P350 and the pump to which it is attached, giving the flexibility to advantage two little pumps for two diminutive jobs or one sizeable combined pump for a better work.
It can be used onliest with confident liquids:Mineral oilDoctor glycolInvert emulsion
A principal supply of a pump is how still liquid it can push complete with Everyone rotation. The more it is capable of pushing, the fewer times the gears have to turn each minute. The fewer times it turns, the less the engine is worn and torn.
The P350's displacement is adjustable, between 21 and 105 cc per turn. By being able to adjust the displacement, the user can ensure that his pumping is efficient, never using more power than he needs.
The speed is the second factor in a pump's performance. The P350 runs between 600 revolutions per minute and 2400 revolutions per minute. The highest displacement combined with the highest speed creates a maximum pressure of 3,500 pounds per square inch.