Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Transmission Fluid To Some Honda Accord

The health of your Honda depends on maintaining its fluid levels.

Your Honda Permit relies on transmission fluid compatible it does other fluids, such as oil and coolant. Transmission fluid lubricates your van's transmission so that it can shift gears without hesitation. The van Testament be in its choicest shape and perform optimally whether these fluids are maintained Often. In a Honda Accord, the transmission fluid is checked and inserted in a fluid fine located at the rear of the engine. The fluid should be checked with a hot engine while the van is parked on calm ground.


Disinfected off the stem by wiping it down bushy-tailed with a shop rag.2. Evaluation the fluid consistent by looking at the two lines on the fluid stem (one wrinkle is on the backside; another path is on the top, with room between them in the middle).1. Pop the hood of the van so you can access the engine compartment. Pull the stem elsewhere of the transmission fluid fresh after letting your van flight.

The fluid should fall somewhere between these two lines. If it falls beneath the bottom line, you must add more fluid.

3. Add fluid if necessary. Pour automatic transmission fluid directly into the fluid well until about a quarter of the bottle is gone. Recheck the fluid levels by repeating Steps 1 and 2. When the fluid levels are correct, replace the fluid stem.