Linear pull brakes are a type of brakes used in bicycles. A Tektro linear pull brake step is fitted with a team of pads, or "shoes." There is a shoe located on Everyone arm of the brake system, on either side of the turn. The brake shoe includes a establish of positioning washers and a peanut, which secure the shoe to the arm of the brake. Once installed, the shoes are positioned To admit for able braking.
1. Squeeze the two arms of the Tektro linear pull brake in, toward the trundle. Hoist the metal cable conduit, which guides the cable into the brake from the top of the brake. Separating the cable from the brake allows for a more advantageous space between the brake and the spin, easing installation of the shoes.
2. Remove the stone from the side of the shoe, using a 5 mm Allen wrench. Place a place of three washers between the devotee and the shoe. Remove the stone and the thickest of the washers. Green light the two thin washers intact. Repeat the step for both shoes.
3. Fit the mounting advertise at the rear of the shoe complete the breach in the side of the brake, so that the shoe is facing the turn. The ends of the shoe should taper down toward the ground. Thread the seed onto the confine of the mounting post.5. Align the shoe evenly with the side of the wheel.
Provided they taper up, the shoe is upside-down.4. Slide the washer onto the edge of the mounting publicize.
Tighten the nut with a 5 mm Allen wrench while holding the shoe in place.
6. Install the second brake shoe, on the other side of the Tektro linear pull brake system. Align the shoe with the side of the wheel and tighten the nut.
7. Reattach the cable pipe to the latch located at the top of the Tektro linear pull brake system.
8. Pull the brake lever on the handlebar. Observe the position of each shoe against the rim. If either shoe is striking the rim anywhere other than on its center, loosen the nut on the shoe and reposition the shoe. Tighten the nut following any adjustment.