Sunday, December 21, 2014

Use A Manley Jet Outboard

Installing an outboard motor with a jet guide lower unit is congruent in most respects to installing any other outboard Engine, with one dominant contrariness. Outboard motors with propellers, rather than impellers, hog uncooked aqua inlets To admit cooling hose to enter the Engine. While the jet guide has those identical cooling damp inlets, it too has a larger inlet that supplies the soak that operates the jet ride. This inlet is covered by a grill and is prone to activity obstructed by aquatic plants and animals. This adds an additional action to mounting the jet operate Engine on your boat.


1. Shift the boat so that the transom is nearly below your engine hoist. Roll your outboard motor stand, with the Engine aboard, under the engine hoist.

2. Continue lowering the motor until the four mounting holes in the bracket are aligned with the mounting holes in the transom.4. Push the motor's four 1-inch mounting bolts through the holes in the mounting bracket and the transom and thread the nuts onto the bolts. Tighten the nuts to 55 foot-pounds, using a torque wrench.

3. Move the boat beneath the motor and hoist so the motor is directly above the boat's transom. Lower the motor while turning it so the motor bracket slides over the center of the transom. Connect an engine hoist to the engine lift brackets, one at the front, Harbour side of the Engine and the other at the rear starboard side. Benefit a spreader bar to deposit the chains separated. Lift the Engine from the stand using the engine hoist and alteration the motor stand out of the way.

5. Push the low-pressure fuel line into place on the carburetor. Slide the squeeze-clamp over the connector and allow the clamp to shut over the connection. Squeeze the priming bulb until firm. Check the fuel connection and all fuel hoses for leaks.

6. Remove the six screws that hold the intake grill in place, using a screwdriver. Check the intake for obstructions.