Shocks absorb the repercussions bouncing of spring (coil or folio) suspension.
The 2005 Ford F150 4X4 features four-corner shock suspension. Some higher edge models of the F150 manufactured between 2004 to 2008 employ a strut meeting in the front, nevertheless yet avail shocks in the rear. The anomaly between shocks and struts is that the shock is a seperate Element from the coil spring.
1. Utilize the parking brake on the 2005 Ford F150 4X4.
2. Access the top of the shock absorber finished the front revolve wells. Provided required, birth the Motor lorry and turn the steering turn to thumb the tires for more useful access to the respective shocks.
3. Domicile a box extreme wrench on the upper shock retaining fan. Control the stem shaft of the shock with a smaller box-end wrench.
4. Clench the stem shaft stationary and turn the upper shock retaining stone counterclockwise. Once the seed has broken paper, flip the wrench on the retaining peanut over to the open-end side to beget the Emigration of the seed easier. Remove the aficionado, upper washer and rubber bushing from the stem shaft.
5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the other front shock.
6. Hoist the front of the F150 up with a jack and support the front axle on jack stands.
7. Hold the lower shock bolt head with a wench while turning the nut on the other side of the bolt counterclockwise with another wrench. If necessary, place the nut back onto the bolt and tap it with a hammer to loosen it up. Remove the bolt and the shock absorber. Repeat for the other front shock.
8. Place the lower washers and rubber bushings on the stem shaft of the replacement shocks.
9. Insert the shock up through the coil spring and align the stem shaft with the upper shock mounting bracket. Hold the shock in place while replacing the lower shock bolt. Compress the shock if necessary so the bottom of the shock will align with the lower shock mounting bracket and the lower bolt hole. Tighten the lower bolt and nut with a wrench and a torque wrench set at 75 foot-pounds.
10. Lower the front axle of the truck back to the ground, using the jack to lift it. Again, hold the stem shaft stationary with a wrench while tightening up the shock retaining nut with another. Tighten the nut until the washer compresses the upper rubber bushing.
Remove the jack stands.11. Place the upper rubber bushings and upper washers on the stem shaft of each shock.