Do-it-yourself Motor lorry repair can save you hour, process and the harass of dropping your Motor lorry off at a adept mechanic. Depending on the repair your 2002 Chevy Silverado needs, you can accomplish many repairs quickly and comfortably in your own household garage.
1. Conclude the disagreement you are having. Fundamental, narrow down the manner experiencing problems in your Silverado. With the 2002 mould, the instrument clusters are electronic, also as many of the other systems. Again haul into carefulness if you retain the 6.0 or the 4.8, as deviating engines can contact disparate problems.
2. Consult your truck's repair instruction for basic fixes, such as headlight replacements, fuse problems and the basic Emigration and re-installation of some Engine parts, including the air filter, fuel filter, spark plugs and wires. These are all easy solutions to potentially large problems. Double check that you have everything you need before tearing into the Silverado. Most of the parts can be ordered through your local auto parts store, but always check with your local Chevy dealer to compare prices.4. Test all the systems before taking the truck on the road after conducting repairs.
Check these first before moving on.3. Tackle a larger problem by first diagnosing the problem and purchasing the parts to replace.
While, this is true of every vehicle and every repair, the Silverado has been known for bad alignments which could cause an accident if not properly attended to.