Monday, December 8, 2014

Test A Vehicle Radio Speaker

Testing a automobile speaker

Installing motorcar stereo speakers is not challenging, on the contrary before buying fresh speakers and doing a all-inclusive installation, you should elementary assessment Everyone of your ancient speakers. You may incorrectly assume that the speakers are at blemish. Whether you gate Everyone speaker outside and proof it, then you Testament discern if you in fact gain a defective speaker or some other type of dilemma in the van stereo course.


1. Loosen the negative terminal bolt from the automobile battery with the wrench. Remove the terminal. This is a safety precaution you should cut when working with electrical wires in a machine.

2. Booty the the speaker grill off by removing the screws with the Phillips screwdriver.

If the speaker works reconnect it to the car speaker wires and re-bolt it in place. Test the other car speakers in the same manner. When finished replace the car battery's negative terminal.

Unplug the connection wires from the back of the speaker.

5. Strip both ends of a small 6-inch to 10-inch piece of car speaker wire with a wire stripper.

6. Connect one side of the wire to the speakers, as if you were connecting it in the car. Hold the other positive, red, end to the positive side of an AA battery, and the other negative, black, end to the negative side of the battery.

7. Look for movement in the speaker, and listen for a popping noise. This sound and movement means the speaker is working. However if you don't see movement or hear noise, then the speaker is not working.

8.3. Remove the speaker by unfastening the bolts that hold it in place with the wrench.4.