Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Auto Body Repair Instructions

Car oppose repair takes some skill nevertheless nearly anyone can conclude it with a rare tips and directions. The most leading cut is To possess the correctly tools for the work. All of the tools needed to repair and emulsion a motorcar can be institute at an automotive assistance store.

Repairing the Metal

The most general repair false to a vehicle's thing is dent repair. Baby or extensive, dents dash off much Trade-mark dewy cars contemplation evil. Advantage a slide hammer and a thing hammer to repair the dents on your vehicle. Effect by drilling multiple holes in the dent. Dwelling the screw gratuity of the slide hammer into one gap and pull on the sliding bail. Close this various times and then habitat the screw gratuity into a colorful gap. Modify until all holes hog been used and the period metal has been "pulled" back into field, or as hurried as credible. Operate the body hammer to tap down any high areas of metal.

Preparing the Surface

Use a grinder to grind away all old paint and primer inside and around the outer edges of the dent. Once all of the surface is clear and shows only bare metal, apply a thick layer of body filler over the dent so that the filler is taller than the surrounding surface of the car. Allow the filler to dry for an hour. Sand the filler smooth by using a dual action sander and 80 grit sandpaper. Go over it a second time using 120 grit sandpaper for make the surface smoother.

Spray a light coat of primer over the repaired area and allow 30 minutes for it to dry. Use a long sanding block with 120 grit sandpaper to slowly and evenly sand the top layer of primer. This shows any uneven areas on the surface. Low spots remain dark and unsanded while high points are sanded through to the bare metal. Repair these areas with the slide hammer and body hammer, and repeat the steps using primer and the sanding block. Once the area is smooth and sanded evenly, wipe it down with wax and grease remover to get rid of any fingerprints or dust. Place masking tape and paper over any areas that won't be painted. Wait three hours after the final coat is applied before applying the clear coat paint. Use three to five coats of clear coat paint, waiting 30 minutes between each coat. Remove the masking tape and paper 30 minutes after the final coat is sprayed. Wait a full day before moving the vehicle.

Wipe the area down with wax and grease remover again.


Use a tack rag to go over the area that will be painted. Spray three to five thin coats of paint over the area, waiting at least 30 minutes between each coat.