Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Switch The Battery Inside A Nissan Altima

Wear glasses or goggles to prevent acid from splashing in your eyes.4. Disinfected the insides of the connector cables with a pointed wire brush and dry them off with an old cloth you can throw away.


1. Disconnect the cable ends from the battery terminals with a battery terminal puller. Remove the denial cable headmost.

2. Lift the battery away of the compartment. Garner your gloves on at all times to avoid getting acid on your hands. Safely dispose of the battery at an Car parts store or a recycling centre.

3. Exercise a wire brush To cleanse the surface that holds the battery. Dust it down with a damp cloth and let it dry.The Nissan Altima has been a favourite of families in that the sedan's introduction in 1993. Analog watch for a chalky chalky substance on the battery, which process acid is leaking and the battery should be replaced. To convert the battery, lift the hood and acquisition the battery conveniently located remain the Chauffeur's side headlight.

5. Place the new battery on the shelf. Attach the correct cable on each terminal and tighten it securely with pliers or a socket wrench. Replace the metal battery holder.