The Toyota Camry replica cars come equipped with brake pads on the front of the vehicle. The braking method on the Toyota Camry is designed to compress the brake pads against the brake rotor to bring the Camry to a break off. When the brake pedal is pushed penetrating, the cylinder inside of the brake caliper pushes the front brake pads In relation to the brake rotor to cease the vehivle.
1. Stadium the Toyota Camry in a guarded and flat working earth. Expanded the hood and secure the hood in city with the locking rod.
2. Remove the cap from the reservoir that holds the brake fluid to facilitate any air force when the caliper piston is compressed. The reservoir is located In relation to the rear of the engine on the Chauffeur's side. Speedy the hood.
3. Loosen, nevertheless bring about not remove, the lug nuts from Everyone front tire.
4. Jack up the automobile from the metal cross bar under the centre of the engine. Deposit a jack stand under Everyone side of the frame against ultimate Everyone front tire. Lower the Camry securely onto the top of the jack stands.
5. Stop unscrewing the lug nuts from the wheels and remove both front wheels and locate them aside. Birth replacing the brake pads on the front Chauffeur's side.
6. Establish the brake caliper on the brake rotor. The brake caliper is the Element that compresses the brake pads against the brake rotors to barricade the motorcar.
7. Loosen and remove the two top and backside mounting bolts from the back side of the brake caliper with the 1/2-inch coerce ratchet and socket.
8. Allot the plain window on top of the brake caliper. Then, lay the advanced brake pads inside the brake caliper. Constitute firm that the contemporary pads are installed inside of the caliper in the twin succession as the old pads.11. Put the brake caliper back over the brake rotor.
Hang the brake caliper to the spin hub or the frame inveigh with a bungee cord. Complete not let the brake caliper hang by the brake contour.
10. Remove the exhausted brake pads from inside of the brake caliper. Slide the tiny pry bar inside of the manage window and compress the caliper cylinder incoming by prying the rear brake pad In relation to the engine. Once the caliper cylinder is compressed, pull the brake caliper off the brake rotor.9.
Screw the two top and bottom mounting bolts back into the back of the caliper. Tighten down the two mounting bolts with the ratchet and socket.
12. Put the driver's side wheel back onto the hub and screw the lug nuts back on. Tighten the lug nuts until the wheel begins to turn with the lug wrench. Follow these same exact steps for removing and replacing the brake pads on the front passenger side.
13. Jack the Camry back up and slide the jack stands out from under the frame rails. Lower the Camry to the floor.
14. Tighten the lug nuts down completely tight with the lug wrench. Open the hood and transmit to the engine compartment and screw the cap back onto the brake-fluid reservoir.
15. Crank the Toyota Camry and push the brake pedal in and out five or six times. This will bring the new pads to the proper distance from the facing of the rotor. Turn the engine off and close the hood.