The container Testament enjoy to be removed from the motorcycle to be repaired.
This approach to repair pin holes in a motorcycle Gauze vat requires no welding skills or distinctive Accoutrement. Basic mechanic tools are all that is decisive to comprehensive the repair. Compliance with environmental laws concerning Correct disposal and handling of petrol and hazardous fluids must be followed. The repair Testament hope for at least one half a date to perform the actual daily grind, and 24 to 48 hours drying day for the epoxy coating to cure.
1. Lay on the safety glasses. Habitat the Gauze container in a position where the fuel line can be placed directly into it. Turn off the Gauze petcock on the backside of the Gauze receptacle.
2. Disconnect the Gauze line from the carburettor using a minor screwdriver or wrench to loosen its clamp. Pull the hose off the carburettor becoming. Remove the Gauze cap.
3. Close the hole where the petcock was by using a bolt that fits or an old petcock that can be disposed of.6. Mix the repair fluid per the manufacturer's instructions. Pour the fluid into the gas tank.
4. Unbolt the front and rear bolts on the gas tank from the frame of the motorcycle using the wrench kit. Lift the tank off the motorcycle and place it on a workbench or flat surface. Remove the petcock and fuel line from the tank
5. Follow the instructions on the repair kit for preparing and cleaning the gas tank. Apartment the objective of the hose into the Gauze container. Turn the petcock on, including the reserve, and let on all the Gauze in the receptacle to extract into the container. Compass the container in a sheltered habitat.
Place a gas cap on the tank that is disposable or cover the gas cap opening with duct tape. Hold the tank with both hands and slowly rotate it, visualizing the fluid on the inside flowing over all inside areas.
7. Continue rotating the tank for several minutes or per the manufacturer of the leak sealer's recommendations. Remove the cap or tape and pour the excess fluid out of the tank into a container. Wipe any spilled fluid off the top of the filler and the outside of the tank. Allow the sealer to cure for the time period recommended by the manufacturer. Reinstall the tank.