Replacing the brake calipers on a Saturn Ion is a bit and composite than some other models. There are additional steps you may acquire to yield depending on the rear and front calipers. Moreover, bleeding the brake method afterwards varies on if or not you get anti-lock brakes.
Prepare Your Ion
1. Siphon off fluid from the brake skillful cylinder until it is half entire. Utilize a suction-tube Slogan liking a turkey baster.
2. Proceeds the parking brake lever boot from the floor console by lightly urgent infiltrating on the boot retainer sides and pulling the boot back.
3. Loosen the tension from the parking brake cables. While the brake lever releases, loosen the adjusting kernel to the point of the front cable's threaded rod. Operate labourer tools to effect this.
Reconnect the parking brake components provided replacing a rear caliper. Secure the retaining tabs by pressing the park brake cable end fitting into the caliper's bracket, then secure the cable end to the lever on the caliper.11. Unplug the brake hose and connect it to the caliper.
Remove the Caliper
5. Proceeds the extremity of the parking brake cable from the lever on the caliper. Proceeds the retaining tabs that secure the cable to the bracket on the caliper. This is by oneself needed for removing a rear caliper.
6. Compress the caliper piston with a C-clamp so the caliper can be removed. Position the clamp ends against the caliper intent rear and the outboard pad to bring about this.
7. Disconnect the becoming bolt attaching the brake hose to the caliper. Plug the holes with rubber to prevent losing augmented fluid or contaminating it.
8. Remove the bolts from the caliper. It should double time axle upward absent from the caliper bracket and slide off.
Install the Caliper
9. Install the au courant caliper onto the bracket. Dominance the controller pins in abode while installing the pin bolts.
10.4. Catching off the tire after securely raising the vehivle on a jack stand. Custom the lug nuts on the studs to carry the rotor onto the hub.
Use new copper gaskets with the bolt connecting the hose and caliper.
12. Bleed the brake system to remove air from it. Attach a hose to the open bleeder valve and place the other end in a container half-filled with fluid. Have another person press down on the brake pedal.
13. Connect the wheel back on and lower the vehicle. Set the brake pads with the pedal, pressing it two-thirds of the way down and slowly releasing it every 15 seconds until it feels firm.
14. Adjust the parking brake cable tension if you replaced a rear caliper. Position the lever boot to the floor console and then press the boot retainer into place to secure it.