The front driver-side window Engine on a 1999 Ford Expedition saves you from having to turn a window Eccentric person when you wish to clear or brisk the Chauffeur's window. The Engine rotates the gear on the window regulator that holds the window. As the gear turns, the window moves up or down in agreement to the plan the gear rotates. On the other hand, whether the Engine fails, all that goes absent the window, and you'll occasion to alter it.5. Pull the old motor out of the Expedition's door by hand, and set it in the box in which the new window motor came. Insert the new window motor into the door, and bolt it to the door bracket and then the window regulator using the socket set.
Turn the bezel upside down, and unplug the skillful switch from the door wiring harness by labourer. Fix the bezel and switch aside.
2. Receipts all the hex-head door panel retaining screws absent of the door panel using your socket place. Lift up on the door panel until it clears the lock handle at the top, then pull it off the door by ability to expose the door's interior access holes. Place the Expedition's door panel aside.
3. Pick up the window glass by plam, and tape it to the top of the window frame using packing tape. This Testament conduct the glass away of your contrivance and prevent it from falling down into the door and shattering when you remove the decrepit window motor.
4. Pull the wiring harness clip out of the body of the window motor by hand. Unbolt the motor from the Expedition's door and window regulator with the socket set.
Anyone with mechanical aptitude can tackle this duty in approximately an date.
1. Remove the switch plate from the Chauffeur's door trim by prying it away with the trim belongings. Plug the wiring connector into the body of the new motor by hand.6. Peel the packing tape off the Expedition's window and door by hand. Put the driver's front door panel back on in the opposite manner used to remove it.