Friday, July 3, 2015

Replace A 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier O2 Sensor

Moderate a 2000 Chevy Cavalier Oxygen Sensor

The Oxygen (O2) sensors in a 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier are designed To gauge the concentration of O2 in the vehicle's exhaust. The sensors relay this information to the powertain polity module (PCM). The PCM uses this enlightenment to adjust the air-to-fuel ratio. There are two O2 sensors: one substantial sensor located in the exhaust manifold, and a secondary sensor located in the exhaust tube after the catalytic converter. Replacement sensors are available from Car parts stores and licensed Chevrolet dealers.


1. Field the Cavalier's transmission in arena or cardinal gear (album) and turn off the engine. Handle the parking brake and accessible the hood. Disconnect the abrogating battery terminal with a battery terminal wrench.

2. Lower the vehicle with the automotive jack. Start the engine and verify that the sensors operate properly and do not trigger any "service engine" lights.

Install the new sensor in the exhaust manifold using the 22-mm box-end wrench and reconnect its electrical connector.

4. Crawl underneath the Cavalier and unplug the secondary oxygen sensor's electrical connector. Unscrew the secondary oxygen sensor with the 22-mm box-end wrench. Install the new sensor with the 22-mm box-end wrench and reconnect its electrical connector.

5. Reconnect the negative battery terminal using the battery terminal wrench. Stand the front of the vehicle using the automotive jack and cornerstone it with jack stands. Chock the rear wheels.3. Disconnect the relevant O2 sensor's electrical connector and remove it from the exhaust manifold using a 22-mm box-end wrench.