Having disorder with your machine battery? Don't stress it extremely all the more. Normally, a malfunctioning battery is quite light to diagnose, still for those with local mechanical authority. Whether the hot water exists lone with the battery, the belief ranges from recharging to replacement. Climactically, you can analysis the battery using a infrequent picnic tools that can be purchased any automotive servicing store. And, provided de rigueur, you can alter the battery on your own, thus saving yourself an expensive Journey to the mechanic.
Basic Battery Diagnostics
1. Turn off all of your vehicle's accessories, including radio and lights, and header to begin the engine. Provided the engine sounds active, on the contrary simply fails to conflagration, your battery is skilled. Be careful, on the contrary, not to live on trying to begin the automobile, as it Testament eventually empty the battery. Whether the engine sounds sluggish, slowly fades or does blank at all, then chances are your battery is dead.
2. Turn your headlights on without trying to begin the vehicle. Manner absent and contemplate the headlights. Whether the lights are forceful, your battery is charged. Provided, but, the lights are dim or not working, the danger lies with your battery.
3. Open the hood on your vehicle and remove any shields from the battery. Check the fluid level in the battery (for standard-duty batteries only). If you own a maintenance-free battery, simply skip this step. Pry the caps off the top of the battery and look into the cells. Use a post and terminal cleaning tool or small wire brush to clean the terminals. You may need to unhook the battery cables in order to do this properly. Also, make sure the battery cables are securely fastened to the posts.
4. Then examine the battery. Specifically, look at the battery's terminals. Corroded or dirty terminals are sure to cause battery trouble. You should see plates within the battery, as well as fluid. Add distilled water to the cell if necessary. Add only enough distilled water to cover the plates (See Ref. 1). Use only distilled water, as tap water will promote corrosion.
Using a Voltmeter to Diagnose Battery Troubles
5. Remove all guards that are covering your battery and double check to ensure your ignition switch and all accessories are turned off.
6. Check your voltmeter to ensure it's set to 12 volts (some voltmeters have multiple settings) and connect the positive probe to the battery's positive terminal. Then connect the negative probe to the negative terminal. Make sure the probes have a good connection to the battery.
7. Read the display on your voltmeter. A working battery with a full charge should display a reading of 12.5 to 12.8 volts (See Ref. 2).
8. Recharge your battery if you see a reading of 12.45 or lower. A reading of 12.45 indicates that your battery has only a 75-percent charge. If you see a reading of 12.24, your battery is less than 50-percent charged (See Ref. 3). Thus, your charging times will vary according to how badly your battery drained. If your battery drains again, without having been used in your vehicle, then it needs a replacement.