Accidents happen--maybe you were backing away of a margin and whacked a mirror against a shine Perch, or maybe you were hit by a passing motorcycle--but provided your door mirrors are damaged, you demand to receive them replaced to dash off firm that your motorcar can be operated legally. Happily, replacing a vehivle door mirror is delightful effortless and ethical takes a unusual minutes of chronology with intelligible artisan tools.
6. Turn the ignition key to the "on" position and test the mirror adjustment switch to ensure that the new mirror works. If it doesn't, check your connections.
2. Unbolt the mirror from the door using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket set. Make sure to hold the mirror with one hand while unbolting with the other.
3. Unclip the wiring harness from the mirror using your hands. This will free the mirror from the body.
4. Install the replacement mirror by putting it into the mount and connecting the mirror harness.
5. Bolt the replacement mirror into the door using the 3/8-inch ratchet and sockets.
1. Unclip the trim quota on the interior in the corner of the door with the broken mirror. This is a plastic insert that is normally held in place with clips, and can just be pulled off.
7. Clip the plastic trim piece back in place, making sure it's secure.