Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Remove A 2001 Ford Expedition Door Panel

Vehivle door panel

Provided you get a window fracture in your Expedition, or maybe the capacity window Engine has elsewhere outside, the elementary creature you'll include to end to receive to the broken allotment is remove the door panel. This is easier to discharge in a 2001 Ford Expedition than in earlier models, and it can be done with minimal tools. The mechanism is corresponding for other Expedition design elderliness further.


1. Cleared the door as Broad as likely to bequeath you room to work. Place the flathead screwdriver in the blade slot underneath the lighted reflector in the corner of the door panel and pop out the lens. Unscrew the torx-head screw you find underneath using the torx-head screwdriver.3. Open the door handle and use the flathead screwdriver to pop out the trim ring that goes around it.

Then remove the tiny triangular trim panel in the upper corner of the door, opposite the mirror, by pulling on it in an upward motion to release the tabs. Remove the foam behind it and unscrew the screw underneath using a torx-head screwdriver.2.

Unbolt the bolt underneath using the 1/4-inch ratchet and socket. Then pull out the window and lock controls with your hands, and unplug the harnesses to release the controls. There is a screw behind this panel as well, so remove that with the torx-head screwdriver.

4. Lift the door panel up toward the headliner and then pull it carefully away from the door, making sure that it doesn't get caught on any wiring along the way.