There are distinct reasons to remove a door panel from a automobile: repairing a capability work, such as the locks or window regulators; replacing the window glass; changing a brilliance bulb in the door; or having the door panel gloss or reupholstered. Intent shops can remove most door panels within minutes with the Correct tools. Attain remove a door panel in nearly any vehicle and select anguish of your continuation problems yourself.
1. Unlatched the door as Broad as possilbe. Allot concealed scew locations in the door panel. See latest the door holder, inside the storage pockets and inside of armrests for slender plastic doors. Utilize a Apartment lodgings sense screw Chauffeur to pop these doors away and remove the screw persist them. Study environing the edge of the door panel for additional screws.
Look behind the panel and locate the metal rod for the door handle. Slip the door handle out of the hole in the panel and unsnap the rod from the plastic clip that is holding it in place. Pull the door panel out further. Pry until the clip pops out of the door panel. Depending on the model of the car, there can be as little as three clips or as many as 15.
3. Pull the door panel away from the door until it stops.2. Pry the edge of the door panel up and away from the door using a prying tool. There are metal or plastic clips that hold the door panel in place.
4. Locate and remove any wire connectors behind the door panel. Use a flat head screw driver to unclip the connectors from the wires. The panel should be free from the door.