The moulding on a Mercury Capri convertible can be rubber or plastic. Regardless of the data, you remove the trim in the twin fashion. Moulding all over the window helps protect against soak infiltration, while plastic moulding adds esthetic inquire to the vehicle. Whatever your reasons for removing the moulding, you must capitalization a determinate tool--a trim Emigration tool--for at least any of the work. It's available at any Car parts store.
1.3. Wedge the trim removal tool under the top portion of the door panel, and pry up on the panel to separate it from the door frame.4.
Direct the door, and applicability the screwdriver to remove the screws holding the electric window module to the door panel (depending on your imitation year). Remove the window Eccentric person by prying up on the example of the Eccentric person with the trim removal tool.2. Use the screwdriver to pull out the screws holding the door latch/handle assembly to the door panel.
Reach behind the door panel and push the pins holding the molding to the door frame through the door. Use a pair of pliers to pinch the retaining pin backing together and push it through the door panel.
5. Pull the door molding off the door.
6. Remove the window molding by wedging the trim removal tool behind the rubber molding and prying up on the rubber molding. Grab the molding when you have some slack, and pull up on the molding to completely separate it from the glass edge.