Friday, May 29, 2015

Remove Chrome Trim On The Chevelle

2. Open the car door and find the edge of the chrome trim. Grab the end of the trim with the pliers and pull away from the car so that the trim lifts off the car. You may have to seize the trim from several places to remove it depending on how long the trim has been on the car.


1. Remove screws holding the chrome trim on your Chevelle. Assign all the screws in a plastic container for guarded keeping.

Removing the chrome trim isn't that galling and shouldn't hire extremely far-reaching.When restoring or doing object donkeywork on a Chevelle, you don't hope for to ruin the chrome trim approximately the van. To maintain it, you must remove the chrome trim and place it aside until you can place it back on. Removing the trim should not holding extended than a age depending on how yet trim your Chevelle has.

3. Set aside the chrome trim. Most people store it in the trunk or backseat until they need it to put it back on the car.

4. Pressure wash the grooves that the chrome trim sat in to remove dirt and moss. This will make it easier to reapply the trim.