Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Replace Rear Calipers

Rear caliper replacement can be done Homewards.

Rear wheels with CD brakes come with a caliper, brake pads and rotor. You longing to be learned change rear calipers that leak from damaged brake pad plungers. Other reasons to pin money a rear caliper would be when you are installing higher quality brake components. The future to alternate rear calipers is nowadays provided you gawk the tell-tale signs of a leaking caliper. Before you manage on broken brakes, anticipate approximately the risks. Driving without dependable brakes can endanger you, your family and others.


1. Discontinuity the lug nuts loose on both rear wheels. Promote the back of the vehicle by raising the rear axle using a hydraulic floor jack and block it using two jack stands. Remove both wheels, exposing the CD brake assemblies of the rear axle.

2. Regulate the hood of the vehicle and part the lid off the crackerjack cylinder of the brake step. The proficient cylinder and brake fluid reservoir is located on the firewall in front of the Chauffeur in most passenger cars and trucks. Fill the reservoir with fluid provided it is low and alternate the lid.

3. Loosen a rear caliper's retaining bolts located on the far side of the caliper to receive the caliper off the brake rotor. Spread over the top of the rear caliper with an Allen wrench and comprehend the wrench into the sense of a retaining bolt and turn the bolt counter clock-wise (In that the bolt is pointed to you it Testament blow in you are turning the wrench clockwise though). Pull all retaining bolts absent of the caliper. Slide the caliper off the column of the rotor.

4. Use a catch pan to catch draining brake fluid during this step.5. Attach a new rear brake caliper to the brake system at the junction of the rear caliper's rubber brake line and the vehicle's steel brake line located near the inner frame rail of the vehicle. Tighten the brake line fitting and slide the caliper with brake pads over the rear disc brake rotor. Go after the rubber brake column future away the back of the caliper to its junction with the steal brake lines. Seperate the brake caliper and rubber brake contour from the steal brake path at the brake contour becoming. Handle a wrench to turn the fitting to loosen.

6. Secure the caliper to the vehicle using the new caliper's retaining bolts and old caliper mounting bracket. Insert and tighten these bolts securely. Work the brake pedal a few times once the caliper(s) are secured to the rotors but before bleeding the brake system. Bleed the brake system.

7. Replace the wheel(s), raise the vehicle with a floor jack, remove jack stands and lower it back to the ground for a driving test. Inspect the brake system again after completing a test drive and bleed again if required.