Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Change A 2002 Ford Explorer Thermostat

The temperature gauge can demonstrate a sticking thermostat.

The 2002 Ford Explorer uses a thermostat to plain the coolant action. The thermostat is designed to unfastened when the engine starts to receive flaming. The coolant Testament flow finished the engine and absorb the excess heat, cooling the engine down. A defective thermostat Testament stick and determinant the coolant to back up in the radiator. This can argument the engine to overheat and fabricate earnest engine troubles.


1. Arrange the Motor lorry is turned off and parked on a Apartment lodgings and flat surface. Agape the hood for access to the engine compartment. Tighten the cap onto the radiator. Turn the truck off. Close the hood.

3. Unscrew the hose clamp with a flat-tip screwdriver. Pull the hose off of the pipe.

4. Unbolt the thermostat housing with a socket wrench. Pull the thermostat housing cover away from the housing.

5. Pull the thermostat out of the housing. Replace with a new thermostat. Ensure the spring end is loaded first.

6. Scrape the old gasket material off the mating surfaces with a razor scraper. Ensure all the black material is removed before installing the new gasket.

7. Place the new gasket on to the bottom mating surface. Bolt the cover over it with a socket wrench.

8. Push the hose onto the inlet pipe. Pull the hose clamp over the inlet pipe and tighten with a flat-tip screwdriver.

9. Twist the radiator cap counterclockwise to pull off the radiator. Start the truck and allow it to warm up. Once the truck has warmed up, the thermostat will open to release coolant. Fill with pre-mixed coolant until the radiator cannot hold any more. Allot the upper radiator hose.2. Hint the hose to the thermostat housing. The hose will be clamped to the inlet pipe of the thermostat housing.