Thursday, March 5, 2015

Get Business To Have An Auto Repair Shop

You can augment your auto body career.

Car protest shops are typically brief businesses that perform services on cars, trucks, SUVs and vans. To boost the sales for an auto body shop, you Testament desideratum to treasure trove customers and referral sources that call for a gloss berth, or thirst a vehicle's frame repaired. You can befriend the specialized services offered by your event, such as custom stain colours, bumper replacement and rust elimination.


1. Account exposition advertisements to elevate your Car body shop. Speak with classified sales representatives for local newspapers about advertising your body shop within the "Automotive" section. Call the sales department for your local phone directory. Inquire about display advertising for your company, or to enhance your existing ad to attract more customers.

2. Network with other automotive service companies. Introduce yourself to owners and employees at auto repair shops, windshield repair shops and tire dealers. Offer to refer your customers in exchange for reciprocal business.

4. Call local insurance companies and insurance adjusters to offer auto body services to clients who had an auto accident, or a claim for vehicle damage.

3. Visit new and used car dealerships to promote your auto body shop. Speak with the sales and auto service managers about the services your company offers. Ask for the opportunity to provide services like dent removal, touch-up paint jobs and other types of auto bodywork.