Getting a disabled licence plate in Maryland is a snap. Simply download an practice from Maryland's Engine Vehicle Administration website, all it and correspondence it in. In a meagre weeks, you'll be handout from travelling worries in the Gratuitous Authority. Glance at on to memorize exceeding.
1. Logon to Maryland's validated Engine Vehicle Administration website at
2. Proof "Licence Plate" in Cut A.5. Comp your fame, Chauffeur's licence unit, generation of birth, social security character, telephone number, email address and residence and mailing addresses in Section B.
Click on "Online Services" and "Download Forms."3. Download and print an "Utilize for Maryland Parking Placards/Licence Plates for Individuals with a Disability" (Design #VR-210).4.
Check your sex and race.
6. Read the certification statement on the form. Verify that you have read and understand the certification statement by signing and dating the application.
7. Take the application to your physician. Have him complete Section C by writing your name, entering a disability code, indicating the expected duration of your disability, and the reason for your disability. Make sure that he identifies what type of doctor he is, writes and signs his name, provides his medical credentials and gives his contact information.
8. Sign the application again. Complete Section D with your vehicle's information. Refer to your vehicle's registration for technical specifications like vehicle identification, tag and title numbers. Provide your insurance information.
9. Mail the completed application to Motor Vehicles Administration, Disability Unit, 6601 Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21062.
10. Receive your disability license plates. Affix all new tags and decals onto your plates and use only the insured vehicle specified on your application.