Exchange your glow plugs to carry your tractor starting when it's bloodless.
Au courant Holland TC29D and TC33D tractors come equipped with 3 cylinder diesel engines. The TC29D come with a 29 hp engine while the TC33D come equipped with a 33 hp engine. Both engines incorprorate glow plugs to heat the cylinder Hospital ward during cold starting conditions. Faulty glow plugs will cause the engine to smoke or run rough during cold starting conditions. Proper care of the glow plugs and engine will keep your tractor starting during warm weather and cold.
Remove the glow plugs
Move the cables away from the battery terminal posts.2. Clean around the injectors and glow plugs, removing all dirt, grease, oil, and debris.1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Disconnect the positive battery terminal.
3. Disconnect the fuel lines from the injectors. Disconnect the glow plug wires.
4. Remove the glow plug, taking care not to drop any dirt or debris into the cylinder. If needed, continue with the other glow plugs. When reinstalling the glow plugs, torque the glow plugs to 11-14.5 ft. lbs. (15-20 Nm).